5 Apps to help your support team over the festive break

It’s that time of the year again! The holiday season is here – and what is usually a season of cheer for many it can be a nightmare for IT support teams. A lot of industries see a huge influx of customers during the holiday season which directly results in a large number of customers needing IT support and expecting to have their issues resolved as quick as possible.

To ensure that you support teams have a stress free holiday season, we’ve compiled a list of apps that are going to help your agents resolve tickets a little faster and more efficiently to ensure they can provide high-quality support for your customers.



This is perfect when you don’t have enough staff to handle all the tickets coming in. Helpware has trained and vetted agents who can be used as your primary or ‘overflow’ team when the ticket volume grows.  Using Helpware’s services ensures that your support team is not under pressure to close tickets and focuses on providing high-quality service.

Parlamind Assist

The Artificial Intelligence behind Parlamind scans your incoming e-mail and detects the customer’s issues. It then pre-composes a suitable answer based on previous answers to similar requests. As soon as an agent opens a ticket, they immediately get the pre-composed answer from the assist function – this means that all an agent has to do is a quick review, one click to send, and close the ticket. If there is a chance your team will be overwhelmed by support requests or if you are short staffed this a great tool to help you close tickets quickly while maintaining the quality of support.

Zingtree Agent Scripting

Create scripts for the most common issues that your customers are likely to face. When a customer raises a ticket, your agents can easily access the Zingtree script within Freshdesk and take customers through a set of questions that will easily identify the root issue and determine what the next steps should be. This Zingtree and Freshdesk integration will help your agents manage the rush of tickets that usually come along with the holiday period.

Superlink Leader

Easily respond to FAQs with predesigned scenarios to address your repetitive issues. These superlinks can be shared with customers, as a URL, as many times as needed. This saves the time your agents will spend answering simple FAQs that customers might ask, allowing them to close tickets faster and ensuring that they are able to handle the seasonal rush with ease.


The Summary app makes it easy for you to create and share a summary of your customer’s problems inside a ticket. If you’re collaborating with multiple teams, you can use the summary section to provide details that they can use to troubleshoot issues. If some of your agents worked on a ticket, but are not available to follow up on it, then the rest of the team has access to all the relevant information they need about any ticket at any time.

Enjoy the festive break!


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